Short and Long Term Goals - 8.11.12

Today we were asked to consider short, medium and long term goals.

- Short Term goals being things we hope to achieve within a year (approx).
- Medium Term goals being things we hope to achieve within around 5 years (approx).
- Long Term goals being things we hope to achieve within around 10 years (approx). 

My Short Term Goals - 

- Write my CV.
- Hopefully apply for and successfully get a job.
- Learn to drive.
-Try my hardest when working on my A Levels to obtain the grades I want.
- Manage deadlines, and hand in all of my homework and coursework in on time.
- Continue to improve my confidence when speaking to small/ and large groups.

My Medium Term Goals - 

- Consider University, and do research regarding it, to see if it would be right for me
- Do well with my A Levels, and leave school with the grades I want. 
- Look into apprenticeships, and do some research and decide whether or not this would be the right direction for me.
- Obtain a job in the field that I wish to work and specialise in.
- Manage my money well, and not get into debt or over spend.

My Long Term Goals - 

- Retain employment status, and never be unemployed.
- Buy a house or flat.
- Travel and obtain some life experiences. 
- Save my money, so that I can live comfortably.

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