Media Coursework - 4.2.13

Today I finished my preliminary task for my media coursework, and that involved creating a new school magazine front cover, and contents page. I found the whole task really fun and creative. My media teacher marked it with me, and said that it was excellent, and there were very few things he would change; which I was really proud of....

I also applied for a job in a shop in town, but I haven't heard back yet, so hopefully I will get it... Fingers Crossed. 

In photography we were also asked to enter a competition entitled: Who are you? In which we had to take a photograph which represents who we are as a person. I submitted my entry last week, and the prize if to have your piece featured on a billboard in your home town. The whole process was really fun, trying to think of what photograph I could take, and it was also interesting trying to figure out how to best portray who I am.

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