Learning Styles - 20.2.13

Today in class we took a quiz on a website, that would analyse our learning styles.

As you can see my results show that I am mainly a Solitary, Visual, and Verbal learner.

I think this is pretty accurate, as when I am learning I feel like I work best in these situations.

Now I know my most efficient learning styles, this will help me greatly when revising.

Ways In which I can revise according to my learning styles:

- Revise on my own: as that maximises my concentration.

- Read the information out loud to myself or a friend: as this contribuites to my verbal learning, and I will absorb the information more efficiently.

- Mind maps, colour coordination, and lists will comply with my visual learning style, so could be extrememly beneficial.

Media Coursework - 4.2.13

Today I finished my preliminary task for my media coursework, and that involved creating a new school magazine front cover, and contents page. I found the whole task really fun and creative. My media teacher marked it with me, and said that it was excellent, and there were very few things he would change; which I was really proud of....

I also applied for a job in a shop in town, but I haven't heard back yet, so hopefully I will get it... Fingers Crossed. 

In photography we were also asked to enter a competition entitled: Who are you? In which we had to take a photograph which represents who we are as a person. I submitted my entry last week, and the prize if to have your piece featured on a billboard in your home town. The whole process was really fun, trying to think of what photograph I could take, and it was also interesting trying to figure out how to best portray who I am.

Media Exam - 14.1.13

I did my media exam on the 9th of January, and I think I did well, I was comfortable with the questions, and felt I answered them well. Next we are starting coursework, which I am really excited for, as we get to be more creative and practical opposed to writing essays. 

Photography is also going well, I got a little bit behind with coursework, due to being ill, but I've managed to catch up, and stay on top of things, which I'm proud of. 

Media Exam Preparations - 14.12.12

I have an media exam in January, and at the moment we are working hard in the lessons to fully prepare for that. A practise exam was held, and even though I was really worried about it, I revised really hard, and I managed to get an A grade, so hopefully I can replicate this result in the real exam. 

Photography is going well, we have been asked to do a set of photo shoots over the Christmas holidays, which I am looking forward too, as I have some good ideas that I want to try out. 

I also managed to write my CV, so now I can begin applying for jobs - This shows that I have managed my organisation, and that I am getting better at not putting things off.

Short and Long Term Goals - 8.11.12

Today we were asked to consider short, medium and long term goals.

- Short Term goals being things we hope to achieve within a year (approx).
- Medium Term goals being things we hope to achieve within around 5 years (approx).
- Long Term goals being things we hope to achieve within around 10 years (approx). 

My Short Term Goals - 

- Write my CV.
- Hopefully apply for and successfully get a job.
- Learn to drive.
-Try my hardest when working on my A Levels to obtain the grades I want.
- Manage deadlines, and hand in all of my homework and coursework in on time.
- Continue to improve my confidence when speaking to small/ and large groups.

My Medium Term Goals - 

- Consider University, and do research regarding it, to see if it would be right for me
- Do well with my A Levels, and leave school with the grades I want. 
- Look into apprenticeships, and do some research and decide whether or not this would be the right direction for me.
- Obtain a job in the field that I wish to work and specialise in.
- Manage my money well, and not get into debt or over spend.

My Long Term Goals - 

- Retain employment status, and never be unemployed.
- Buy a house or flat.
- Travel and obtain some life experiences. 
- Save my money, so that I can live comfortably.

Personal Development Plan - 25.10.12

Welcome to my blog...

    To be able to achieve P7, P8, M3, and D2, of this course we are required to produce and follow a personal development plan, which we are doing in the form of a blog.